These projects are Activision property. I do not own the rights to any of the materials in these projects. The imagery on this page is purely for demonstrative use only
Creative Leads: Brandon Schebler, Tina Shaw, Spencer King (video), Shingo Araki, Carlos Aviles Orr (COD Branding), and Raven Cruz-Fadden (Art Direction)
Story Team: Cory Byam, Rachel Jandak, Kaylee Barnes
Production Designers: Henry Zurawski, Alexander Kaiser, Electa Royal, Raven Cruz-Fadden
Logo illustration: Raven Cruz-Fadden

(Left) Key shots and moments within the initial trailer pitch and cinematic title references that heavily influenced the final logo mark. The mark went through multiple iterations to capture the essence and authenticity of Dia de Los Muertos as celebrated around the world.

Introducing Hitmarker, a type family designed by KOTO, solely for the Call of Duty franchise. It’s rooted in classic military vernacular, big, bold and blocky but has been built with contemporary typographic principles. Hitmarker is a fundamental component of our new franchise’s identity and helps to bring visual consistency to all of our assets, components, IP’s and content.
Hitmarker comes in three distinct forms. A variable, a standard format and a text format. Each of these three different formats have different use cases. Our task for this trailer was to create a logo mark that utilizes the newly introduced Hitmarker typeface, but feels reminiscent of the traditional and new ways people celebrate Dia de Los Muertos around the world.

Initial digital concepts of the logo utilizing the Hitmarker font paired with basic graphic design principals for an easy read. Once the main feel of the typography was aligned on, effects and other details were added to give this logo an original feel compared to the simple, militaristic nature of Hitmarker.

Further concept sketches from the first phase. Full title slates were originally pitched by stakeholders as a way to takeover the entire video and give that Dia de Muertos feel, but due to time constraints and the availability of the GFX team, we had to simplify the logo to keep the core concept while be visually striking. Illustrations were created in Procreate with the assistance of in-game screenshot captures provided by the Capture and GFX teams. Once sketches were aligned on, the final product was created in Adobe Illustrator as a vector to ensure visuals were crisp and clean on any platform.