COMICARE is an Arizona non profit corporation that delivers donated comic books (new and used) to children in medical facilities.
How to help COMICARE?
We take pride in being an organized and efficient group. One of the ways we do that is by keeping our staff very small and only including people we know well. For that reason it is actually very difficult to “JOIN” COMICARE – however, we consider our supporters family! We are entirely dependent on comic donations from individuals and shops. If someone just follows us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, we consider them as having “joined” us. We need that kind of encouragement from the public. Many of our followers ACTIVELY share our posts and events- and we love them for it. We have also gotten requests from people to visit their family members or friends. Also, we sometimes receive requests to visit a facility that has served someone’s family in the past. This whole experiment only works as a “community project”. Sometimes you just need the public support to remind you that you are doing something worthwhile.